*WARNING:  This post portrays a detailed picture of a slug.  Viewer discretion is advised.

I have the most dramatic and intense love/hate relationship with these creatures.  I am terribly scared of them and consider them my mortal enemy.  However, in the most fabulous contradiction, my highest self knows that they hold some essential medicines for my path in this life.

If You Build It, They Will Come
A couple of days ago I put in my broccoli.  The starts had been hardening off in the same spot I planted them.  They were in one of those plastic trays:
I had them there for about 4 days and hadn't seen any sign of slug damage. Great right!?! I thought maybe the slug population was down. Maybe I would be able to get a couple of pest free days for my precious starts once they were in the ground.  Wrong.  Totally wrong.

So Wrong!
Because of my relationship with slugs I'm sure that they were laying in wait.  Giving me a false sense of transplant security, while all along plotting their invasive tactics.  That first night I was carefree and proud.  I went out to look at my broccoli starts by headlamp light (as I often garden at night by headlamp - I am the ultimate garden geek).  They were so happy and strong.  No doubt the slugs were saying, "Let's just let them build their sugars up for a couple of days so they're even tastier...".  Sure enough, two mornings later I saw my first signs of damage.  Part of a leaf had been munched on.  The slugs have arrived.

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